[FoME] ToR for an EU-evaluation of DW Akademie

Anja Weber anja.weber at dw.com
Do Jul 27 10:20:43 CEST 2023

Dear Fome-Team,

DW Akademie is requesting qualified persons and organizations to apply for the final evaluation of the project "European Media Facility in Armenia - Building Sustainable and Professional Media".

Can you please publish the information with the following link in the network?


Best regards,
Anja Weber

Anja Weber
Research and Evaluation | Policy and Learning

DW (Deutsche Welle) | Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3 | 53113 Bonn | Germany
T +49.228.429.3595<tel:+492284293595> | anja.weber at dw.com<mailto:anja.weber at dw.com>

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