[FoME] Einladung, Ausstellung Russland/Belarus

Klaas Glenewinkel klaas at mict-international.org
Di Dez 13 18:29:19 CET 2022

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Liebe Kollegen und Kolleginnen, Liebe
Freunde und Bekannte,

am Samstag, dem 17. Dezember, eröffnen wir die Ausstellung DISSIDENTS
mit neuen Arbeiten von JournalistInnen, MedienaktivistInnen und
KünstlerInnen aus Russland und Belarus.
Wir freuen uns, Sie zur Eröffnungsfeier mit Musik, Performances,
Lesungen, Essen und Trinken ab 18.00 Uhr am Samstagabend zu MiCT in
Berlin-Mitte einzuladen, siehe unten.

Herzliche Grüsse
Klaas Glenewinkel


An exhibition with works by Belarusian and Russian journalists and
artists from the MiCT Fellowship for Critical Voices.

17.12. – 31.12.2022 (by appointment only) at MiCT, Brunnenstrasse 9, BERLIN

*Opening* on Saturday, December the 17th from 4pm until midnight

   - 6 pm doors open
   - 7 pm tour through the exhibition with the curator Anna Narinskaya
   - 8 pm performances by Masha Sapizhak, Marina Davydova, Alla
Gutnikova, Dinara Rasuleva, Pavel Semchenko



The rise of repressions within Russia and Belarus, following Russia's
attack on Ukraine, has particularly affected people involved in the
media. In both countries, freedom of expression has been all but
abolished and journalists and anyone involved in conveying
information, opinions, and views, in general, have been treated
particularly harshly.
As a result, in recent months we have seen an unbelievable exodus of
people involved in any form of media activity from these countries.
Sometimes this is the result of direct threats, but more often it is a
conscious choice, an unwillingness to participate in the construction
of lies, to compromise. For all these people, leaving is almost always
a loss of well-being and status, but a gain in freedom of expression.

*Projects by *Sergei Balai, Anna Demidova, Dmitry Brushko, Lina
Tuomas, Maria Savushkina, Andrei Karalevich, Egor Isayev, Sofia Kendel
and Artem Moskalev, Sergey Ponomarev, Karen Shainyan, Nikolay Kononov,
Angelina Davydova, Nadya and Sasha Svirsky, Yury Davydov, Kirill
Sietlov, Dmitry Varlamov, Novaya Gazeta Europa.

*Curated by* Anna Narinskaya, journalist, documentary filmmaker and curator.

The MiCT Fellowship for Critical Voices in Germany is part of the
Hannah-Ahrendt-Initiative and supported by the JX Fund and the Federal
Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM).

Contact: alexandra.a.neumann at gmail.com

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Klaas Glenewinkel
Managing Director

Media in Cooperation and Transition gGmbH
Brunnenstraße 9
10119 Berlin, Germany

P  +49 30 4849 302 16
M  +49 151 5042 3455
S  klaas.glenewinkel


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