[FoME] RSF Call for Applications: Berlin Scholarship Program: Empowering Journalists in the Digital Field

Christian Mihr | Reporter ohne Grenzen Christian.Mihr at reporter-ohne-grenzen.de
Di Nov 23 19:12:21 CET 2021

(This invitation on RSF Germany's website: https://www.reporter-ohne-<https://www.reporter-ohne-grenzen.de/en/scholarships/berlin-scholarship-program/announcement-application> grenzen.de/en/scholarships/berlin-scholarship-program/announcement-application<https://www.reporter-ohne-grenzen.de/en/scholarships/berlin-scholarship-program/announcement-application>)

Reporters Without Borders Germany is calling for applications for its Berlin Scholarship Program: Empowering Journalists in the Digital Field.

>From March 1st, 2022 until November 30th, 2022, twelve journalists from war zones and crisis areas will be invited to Berlin for a period of four months each.

During their stay in Berlin, the scholars can enjoy a break and complete a comprehensive training program on digital security issues relevant to their work. The program is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises.

Who can apply?

Professional journalists, bloggers, media professionals and citizen journalists who:

*   are exposed to digital threats due to their work in their home regions.

*   want to learn and work extensively with digital security in order to improve their personal security.

*   are interested in passing on the knowledge acquired during the scholarship program to colleagues in their home regions and, ideally, already have some experience in teaching or other areas of knowledge transfer.

What we offer:

We cover the travel costs, take care of all visa-related matters, provide a pleasant apartment in Berlin for the duration of the scholarship, a monthly allowance, free use of public transportation in Berlin and an extensive training program with qualified experts in the field of digital security. Furthermore, during their stay in Berlin, scholarship holders will be given insights into the activities of Reporters Without Borders Germany, a globally-active journalist and human rights organization.

The main topics of the digital security-training program will be:

*         Holistic security basics for journalists, bloggers, media professionals and citizen journalists at risk

*         Operational security including risk assessments and security planning

*         Online identity management for investigative journalists, including technical background and practical use of anonymization tools

*         Secure online communication concepts, technology and tools, including secure online conferencing for interviews

*         Password and account security and data protection on social media and other online accounts for media work

*         Device security for computers and mobile phones of journalists at risk

*         Website security for media websites under attack

*         Secure online and offline data storage including encryption for media files

*         Online information verification


*         Applicants must have a very strong command of the English language, as the whole scholarship program will be conducted entirely in English.

*         Applicants must have adequate experience working as a journalist, be it as a professional journalist or as a citizen journalist.

*         A high level of proficiency in regards to digital security is not required; anyone who is used to working with a computer and smart phone can apply.

*         Previous teaching experience would be desirable.

*         In addition, applicants must show that they are willing to return to their home region after the fellowship in Germany.

How to apply:

Please send a completed and signed application form, the completed questionnaire, your CV, and your identity documents in separate PDF documents as attachments (in total: 4 PDF's) either via:

*       Signal Messenger to +491636743853 or

*       if you have an ProtonMail-Account, send an email from this account to rsf.digitalfreedom at protonmail.com <mailto:rsf.digitalfreedom at protonmail.com> or

*       if you know how to use PGP by encrypted email send an email to digitalfreedom at reporter-ohne-grenzen.de<mailto:digitalfreedom at reporter-ohne-grenzen.de>, PGP-Key: A788DE66, PGP- Fingerprint: 1C05FB65EB880D0EFB8E9DC1F9D5A5F5A788DE66

The deadline for applications is Monday, November 29th 2021 at 23:59 (Central European Time).

If you want to apply, please use this application form:

https://www.reporter-ohne-<https://www.reporter-ohne-grenzen.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Dokumente/RSF_BSP_Application_Form_FINAL.pdf> grenzen.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Dokumente/RSF_BSP_Application_Form_FINAL.pdf<https://www.reporter-ohne-grenzen.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Dokumente/RSF_BSP_Application_Form_FINAL.pdf> and this questionnaire:

https://www.reporter-ohne-<https://www.reporter-ohne-grenzen.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Dokumente/RSF_BSP_Questionnaire_FINAL.pdf> grenzen.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Dokumente/RSF_BSP_Questionnaire_FINAL.pdf<https://www.reporter-ohne-grenzen.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Dokumente/RSF_BSP_Questionnaire_FINAL.pdf>


Reporter ohne Grenzen e. V. / Reporters Without Borders Germany Berlin Scholarship Program: Empowering Journalists in the Digital Field rsf.digitalfreedom at protonmail.com<mailto:rsf.digitalfreedom at protonmail.com>

Signal: +491636743853

digitalfreedom at reporter-ohne-grenzen.de<mailto:digitalfreedom at reporter-ohne-grenzen.de>, PGP-Key: A788DE66, PGP-Fingerprint: 1C05FB65EB880D0EFB8E9DC1F9D5A5F5A788DE66


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