[FoME] Wtrlt: Launch of GFMD Fundraising Resource Centre
Sofie Jannusch
Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Mi Jun 30 16:22:31 CEST 2021
>>> Anne Marie Hammer GFMD amhammer at gfmd.info> 30.06.2021 12:01 >>
( mailto:amhammer at gfmd.info)
Dear colleagues at CAMECO,
Greetings from the Global Forum for Media Development. My name is Anne Marie Hammer and I am project manager for the GFMD Fundraising Resource Centre.
As announced in the launch of the new GFMD Fundraising Newsletter
( https://mailchi.mp/gfmd.info/bottom-line-issue-1?e=e34842a583) (you can subscribe here
( https://gfmd.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=8319290829244f21c232b3830&id=dc758cf6f6) ), we are proud to present the GFMD Fundraising Resource Centre
( https://fundraising-guide.gfmd.info/) . With the help of expert consultant Michael Randall, we have put together a fundraising guide built as a series of incremental learning modules that cover preparation and p
( https://fundraising-guide.gfmd.info/guide/planning) lanning
( https://fundraising-guide.gfmd.info/guide/planning) , identifying opportunities
( https://fundraising-guide.gfmd.info/guide/opportunities) , writing a proposal
( https://fundraising-guide.gfmd.info/guide/proposal) , budgeting
( https://fundraising-guide.gfmd.info/guide/budgeting) and much more. You will also find a comprehensive lexicon
( https://fundraising-guide.gfmd.info/annex/lexicon) of fundraising terminology and an extensive list of media development funders
( https://fundraising-guide.gfmd.info/mediadev-funding/donors) .
We hope that you will help us in two ways:
1. To promote and share the guide.
We would be really grateful if you could help us promote the guide as widely as possible via your websites, emails/newsletters and social media in order to reach the small and medium-sized organisations that are the main target audience for the guide.
2. To help us improve the guide
- The main body of the guide is available to all. But as a GFMD member, you and your partners will be able to exclusively access the subsections of the guide, which includes resources such as guidance on how to use the most common templates
( https://fundraising-guide.gfmd.info/guide/templates) for EU, FCDO and US Department of State funding. We will be adding to this member-only content with more templates and specific guidance as well as case studies where members will be able to share experiences, be they successes or failures, within the secure platform.
- As well as contributing to the case studies, we would also like to ask you to use our feedback form
( https://fundraising-guide.gfmd.info/feedback) so that we can gather data about the usefulness of the guide that we can use for future development and help us make the case for future support to this initiative.
The more that you are able to promote, give suggestions and provide content for the guide, the more we will be able to demonstrate the need for and engage donors in creating funding systems that are more effective and impactful.
We are currently applying for further funding to secure Spanish, French, and Arabic versions of the guide and look forward to presenting these before the end of 2021.
If you would like more information about any of the above please just get in touch. Thank you again for your continued support.
Have a lovely summer and stay safe and healthy!
Best regards,
Anne Marie
Anne Marie Hammer | Programmes and Project Manager
Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)
amhammer at gfmd.info
( mailto:ammhammer at gfmd.info) | +45 25 37 02 57
( https://www.gfmd.info) | t: @mediagfmd | s: AnneMarie at GFMD
Working days: Mon-Tues-Thurs
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