[FoME] Tender for Evaluation - Egypt

Beate Jantzen jantzen at kindermissionswerk.de
Do Dez 16 17:22:43 CET 2021

Tender for Evaluation - Egypt

Kindermissionswerk « Die Sternsinger » (KMW) is a german catholic organisation, supporting projects worldwide which aim at benefitting children. (www.kindermissionswerk.de<http://www.kindermissionswerk.de>).

We are searching for two candidates to

evaluate a media-based project intended to empowering parents & child care givers with tailored knowledge and skills to address current challenges and needs in the education and upbringing of children in Egyptian low-income-families.

We are looking for a team of consultants as follows :

National: sociologist or with a social pedagogical background, familiar with participatory evaluation methods and impact oriented project planning, English and Arabic fluency
The national expert will concentrate in his/her part of the report on educational issues, first key question.
Contract with the local partner;

International: evaluation communication specialist, familiar with impact oriented project planning and expertise in the evaluation of media impact; English fluency, Arabic as an asset; working experience in the region; assuming the lead for the team and the report.
Contract with KMW
Both experts will have their concentrated view and part of the report, but will work closely together on all questions of the evaluation. In order to respect gender, the team should ideally include both sexes.

We are aiming at preferably realizing the evaluation before april 2022.

Interested consultants may submit their expression of interest for one of the two positions, including in their email their CV, information about to date consultancies and evaluations with relevance to the above mentioned assignment, remuneration expectations and possible time frame. Details and methodologies will be discussed further in detail with the candidates chosen; for the first contact we do not already expect are detailed work proposal.

Contact at KMW for evaluations is jantzen at kindermissionswerk.de<mailto:jantzen at kindermissionswerk.de>.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Yours sincerely,

Beate Jantzen
Foreign Department/Département Étranger

Kindermissionswerk "Die Sternsinger"
Stephanstraße 35
D - 52064 Aachen


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