[FoME] DW Akademie I Call for Proposals I Handbook on Media Viability
Eira Martens
eira.martens at dw.com
Di Okt 15 11:25:45 CEST 2019
Dear colleagues, dear FoME members,
DW Akademie is calling for proposals from authors for a practice-oriented
handbook on Media Viability.
The publication is part of a cooperation project with the Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusmmenarbeit (GIZ) bringing together 15
well-selected media entrepreneurs from all over the world. Within the
framework of the project, DW Akademie organizes three meet-ups and a
series of webinars on Media Viability.
The target group of the publication are media entrepreneurs from
developing and transition countries. The main question is: How does a
media startup position itself to survive on the market in the long-term?
With the aim to provide inspiration and strategic guidance, the handbook
will be covering 1. monetary questions, 2. community and organizational
aspects and 3. growth and sustainability.
Proposals should be submitted in electronic form only to Pauline Tillmann
(pauline.tillmann @dw.com), with Eira Martens-Edwards (eira.martens at dw.com
) in CC. Deadline is 1 November 2019.
For further details have a look at the attached call.
Best wishes,
Eira Martens-Edwards
Project Manager
Digital Innovation and Knowledge Management
Policy and Concepts
DW Akademie
Deutsche Welle (DW)
Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3
53113 Bonn
T +49.228.429-2983
F +49.228.429-2090
eira.martens at dw.com
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