[FoME] Einladung GIG + DGVN pre-IGF Event 25.11. im MotionLab Berlin

Geraldine de Bastion gdb at newthinking.de
Mo Nov 18 14:15:02 CET 2019

Liebe FoME Mitglieder,

in Vorbereitung des Internet Governance Forums der VN, das diesen
November in Berlin stattfindet, veranstaltet GIG gemeinsam mit der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen die Abendveranstaltung
"Data, Sovereignty, Democracy – a Global South Perspective" am 25.11. zu
der ich Sie herzlich einladen möchte:



How do we ensure people and democracies are informed and empowered
through data driven systems such as AI rather than exploited and
undermined? What infrastructures and data protection policies do we need?


On November 25, the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) and the United
Nations Association of Germany are hosting the warm up event #Road2IGF:
Data, Sovereignty, Democracy – A Global South Perspective in the context
of the Internet Governance Forum taking place in Berlin from the
25th till the 29th of November.

We aim to explore these questions at the #Road2IGF event with four
political analysts and civil society representatives: The event will
include a keynote from

Nanjala Nyabola, presentation of research findings with Sreekanth Mukku
as well as a panel debate with Linda Bonyo and Kudzai Mubaiwa

Please register via https://dgvn.de/aktivitaeten/19-11-25-road2igf/


Viele Grüße,
Geraldine de Bastion

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