[FoME] Anti-corruption, crisis response, conflict transformation: new articles on #mediadev

Alexander Matschke alexander.matschke at dw.com
Mi Mai 22 15:04:31 CEST 2019

Dear colleagues, 

Please let me draw your attention to four articles recently published on 
#mediadev, DW Akademie's online resource providing insight and analysis 
around the topics of freedom of expression, media freedom and digital 
rights in international development cooperation.


Kind regards

Alexander Matschke

Anti-corruption: Investing in investigation

In the fight against corruption, free media is crucial. It exposes 
malpractice and enables citizens to demand change. Despite the decline of 
global press freedom, the media’s power to curb corruption can be 


Social media and crisis response: The power of the crowd in emergencies

Social media is an increasingly vital tool for crisis response as 
non-profit organizations use it to save lives and help those in need. But 
its power to spread information means social media can escalate crises 


Guest post: Internet addiction isn't the problem, it's the symptom

If we want technology that values well-being over engagement, we need to 
rebuild trust between users and tech companies. 


Interview: How the media can contribute to conflict transformation

Observer, activist, target: the media can play various roles in conflicts. 
Can they also help to bring peace?


Alexander Matschke 
Policy and Concepts
DW Akademie

Deutsche Welle (DW)
Voltastr. 6
13355 Berlin

T +49.30.4646.8537
F +49.30.4646.8505
alexander.matschke at dw.com

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