[FoME] Open until 19th April: 18 grant opportunities for NGOs and broadcasters in MENA countries

Chantal Mairesse chantal.mairesse at dw.com
Do Mär 28 16:12:52 CET 2019

Dear colleagues and partners, 

with funding from the European Union and support from Germany's Federal 
Foreign Office, Deutsche Welle Akademie is implementing in partnership 
with Al Khatt (Tunisia) and AL-JANA (Lebanon) the project Shabab Live.
Overall goal of the project is to promote youth participation through 
broadcasting media and to build bridges between youth, civil society and 
broadcasters in MENA countries
The project' target countries are Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, 
Palestine and Jordan.

As one of its main activities, Shabab Live launched a call for projects 
wich will run until April, 19th:
- local NGOs can apply for funding and technical support for initiatives 
aiming at increasing youth media and information literacy
- local broadcasters (TV/Radio) can apply for funding and technical 
support to develop new formats targeting youth

In total Shabab Live will award 18 grants:
- 12 grants of 100.000 € for NGOs (2 per target country)
- 6 grants of 125.000 € for broadcasters (1 per target country)

To apply for a grant, interested organisations established in one of the 
target countries can access the call and the online submission platform 
In English: 
In Arabic: 
In French: 

We would be grateful if you could share the call with partners who might 
be interested. 
Here is also a link to a post promoting the call in case you would like to 
share on social media: 

More information about Shabab Live is available here: www.shabablive.com / 

Thanks a lot for your interest and support!

Best regards

Chantal Mairesse 
Project Manager / Middle East & North Africa
DW Akademie

Deutsche Welle (DW)
Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3
53113 Bonn

T +49.228.429-2969
F +49.228.429-3540
chantal.mairesse at dw.com

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