[FoME] Handbook on Working Towards Gender Equality in the Media published by IAWRT

Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Do Mär 7 12:06:34 CET 2019

Handbook on Working Towards Gender Equality in the Media

The International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT)
published a Handbook on Working Towards Gender Equality in the Media
. It showcases IAWRT members’ experiences and good practices of the
Gender Mainstreaming Project of IAWRT Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania,
Uganda and India. As suggested by the UNESCO Gender-Sensitive Indicators
for Media, it is divided into two parts:  (I) Actions to foster gender
equality in media organizations, and (II) Actions to foster gender-fair
portrayal in media content . 
(Source: Birgitte Jallov, Empowerhouse
( https://empowerhouse.dk/site/) )
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