[FoME] MeCoDEM book is out! | "Media, Communication and the Struggle for Democratic Change"

Ines Drefs drefsi at hotmail.de
Mo Dez 16 16:01:37 CET 2019

Dear colleagues,

I'd like to draw your attention to the recently published book "Media, Communication and the Struggle for Democratic Change: Case Studies on Contested Transitions" (Editors: Katrin Voltmer, Christian Christensen, Irene Neverla, Nicole Stremlau, Barbara Thomass, Nebojša Vladisavljević and Herman Wasserman).

The findings presented in this book are based on the international research project „Media, Conflict and Democratization“ (MeCoDEM).

Please see the attached pdf for an introduction to the volume and its table of contents.

Link to the publisher: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-16748-6#about

Project publication list: http://www.mecodem.eu/outputs/publications/

MeCoDEM was a three-year research project that ran from 1 February 2014 until 31 January 2017. The project investigated the interplay of communication and democratisation conflicts in four countries, Egypt, Kenya, Serbia and South Africa, each of them representing unique aspects of transitional / post-transitional divisions. Based on a comparative case study design, the research covers constitutional conflicts, civic conflicts and conflicts surrounding accountability and good governance. These conflicts constitute arenas of dispute where the media interact with the communicative strategies of governments on the one hand, and political activists and political movements struggling for recognition on the other. MeCoDEM was funded by the European Union within the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme. With a budget of 2.2 million Euros, the project consortium included eight partner institutions from six countries: University of Leeds (coordinating institution), University of Belgrade, University of Hamburg, University of Cape Town, University of Oxford, Stockholm University, Ruhr University Bochum and American University in Cairo.
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