[FoME] Survey on Media Viability - contribute your expertise!
Peter Deselaers
peter.deselaers at dw.com
Mi Nov 29 09:57:33 CET 2017
Dear Colleagues,
what does it take for media to combine financial sustainability with high
journalistic quality and editorial independence?
To delve deeper into the question of media viability, we are looking at
challenges and chances, forgotten topics and promising ideas.
We would be grateful if you shared your expertise with us by participating
in our short online survey on media viability:
Link: http://bit.ly/2ArBkb5
Completing the online form takes about 5 to 10 minutes. You can also do it
on your mobile phone.
Please feel free to share the link with anyone who might be interested to
Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Peter Deselaers
Peter Deselaers
Leiter Konzepte und Methoden
Hauptabteilung Strategie und Beratung
DW Akademie
Deutsche Welle (DW)
Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3
53113 Bonn
T +49.228.429-2199
peter.deselaers at dw.com
Mobil bestens informiert: Wir empfehlen Ihnen unsere DW-App für iOS und
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