[FoME] Invitation to South Sudan social media #peacejam #peaceday Sept 21st

Jodi Rose jodi at openculture.agency
Di Sep 20 19:07:53 CEST 2016

Dear Friends,
Please join the international #SouthSudan social media #peacejam on 
Wednesday 21st Sept.

You are invited to create, take photos and videos of peace messages on 
the day, share with the #peacejam and your audience!

The #peacejam toolkit is uploaded here, free to use to facilitate social 
media peacejamming

Attached is the #peacejam social media flier and poster

Posting about the event on #defyhatenow website can also be shared:

Looking forward to all the peace messages from this amazing 
international community.
best wishes and happy #peacejamming

Jodi Rose
r0g_agency | editorial associate

r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH

Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 14
Spreefeld Haus 3
10179 Berlin

skype jodivrose
twitter @jodivrose
49 (0) 1520 585 0708

#DefyHateNow / #PeaceHackCamp / #jHUB
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Dateityp    : image/jpeg
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Dateiname   : Social Media Peace Jam-02.jpg
Dateityp    : image/jpeg
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Beschreibung: nicht verfügbar
URL         : <https://listi.jpberlin.de/pipermail/fome/attachments/20160920/db7cd50d/attachment-0001.jpg>

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