[FoME] DW Akademie: Master‘s Program “International Media Studies”

Anne Schulte Holthausen anne.schulte-holthausen at dw.com
Fr Nov 18 11:40:13 CET 2016

DW Akademie: Master‘s Program “International Media Studies” 
Apply now!
Applications for the 9th intake of the Master’s Program “International 
Media Studies”, starting in September 2017, are now being accepted until 
the 31st March 2017. 
Since the start of the Master’s degree in 2009, over 200 students from 
about 70 countries have been accepted into the program at DW Akademie, 
Germany’s leading organization for international media development. 
The Master's Program “International Media Studies” is especially designed 
for graduates from developing and transition countries with previous media 
experience. The IMS program is a joint project of the University of Bonn, 
the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and Deutsche Welle 
(DW). DW Akademie offers a perfect learning environment for up to 30 
students per year.

The bilingual study program is conducted in English and German combining 
topics such as media and development, journalism, communication science 
and media economics. The full-time, four-semester Master’s degree offers 
an unparalleled mix of research, lectures and practical experience and 
prepares students for careers in the communications and media industries. 
Students conclude the course with a Master’s thesis and receive the 
academic degree “Master of Arts” (M.A.). 

Successful applicants need to provide proof of their language skills in 
both German and English. They must have a bachelor’s degree or an 
equivalent qualification as well as at least one year of professional 
experience in a media-related field after having obtained their first 
academic title.

Students from developing and transition countries can apply for a full 
scholarship (750 EUR per month and refund of travel costs, covering the 
tuition fees of 6,000 EUR).
Detailed information on our Master's program, admission requirements and 
online application procedure can be found on our website www.ims-master.de

We would be very pleased, if you forwarded this information to potential 

IMS Student Office

T: +49.228.429-2892
E-Mail: ims at dw.com


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Anne Schulte Holthausen 
DW Akademie

Deutsche Welle (DW)
Voltastr. 6
13355 Berlin

T +49.30.4646-8529
F +49.30.4646-8505
anne.schulte-holthausen at dw.com

Mobil bestens informiert: Wir empfehlen Ihnen unsere DW-App für iOS und 

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