[FoME] Open University research report on refugees and smartphones

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Mo Mai 23 11:20:08 CEST 2016

Mapping refugee media journeys: smartphones and social media networks
Open University & France Médias Monde, 2016, 103 p.
>From the summary of findings (p.5):
"Smartphones and digital connectivity are essential for refugees
seeking protection and safety in Europe, but they also carry risks for
them. This research identified a huge gap in the provision of relevant,
reliable and timely digital news and information for refugees on their
journeys and upon arrival in Europe. There is a growing number of
digital resources designed for refugees. Most are inadequately 
resourced and unsustainable. They can do more harm than good if they
disseminate misinformation. Quick ‘tech fixes’ do not work. Governments
and newsrooms in Europe are failing to provide what refugees need,
because they fear that they may be seen to be facilitating attempts to
seek asylum in Europe. This is forcing refugees to rely on alternative,
often unverified and unreliable sources of news and information
circulated on social media, particularly by smugglers and handlers. This
is endangering them and exacerbating an already dire situation."
See also the BBC coverage http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03v0lb8 and
the article in "The Conversation"
Contact: Marie Gillespie│Professor of Sociology│Co-Director, Centre for
Research on Socio-Cultural Change www.cresc.ac.uk|The Open
University│Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA
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