[FoME] EMBRACING THE DIGITAL (R)EVOLUTION. EuroDIG 2016, 9-10th of June in Brussels. Registration open until 31.05.

Wolf Ludwig wolf.ludwig at comunica-ch.net
Sa Mai 14 01:04:51 CEST 2016

Dear all, 

apologies for cross-posting.

The European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) will take place on June, 9-10th at the Square, Brussels Meeting Centre with EURid and the European Commission as our 2016 hosts.

There is a day 0 on the 8th of June for pre-events. The main program was designed and developed in a bottom-up manner by anyone interested in contributing. You can take a look at the program in our overview and our wiki – see: 

Attendance is open to everyone and free of charge. Online registration is mandatory due to security reasons -- see:

Looking forward to meeting you in Brussels!

Wolf Ludwig

Program Director
European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG)
office at eurodig.org

EuroDIG Secretariat
mobile +41 79 204 83 87
Skype: Wolf-Ludwig

Swiss IGF

EURALO - ICANN's Regional At-Large Organisation

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