[FoME] Wtrlt: Media against Hate - project launch

Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Do Dez 22 15:06:15 CET 2016

>>> Nadia Bellardi <nadia.bellardi at icloud.com> 22.12.2016 10:20 >>>

Dear colleagues and friends

The Media against Hate campaign has been officially launched - see www.mediaagainsthate.org and CMFE’s press release below for more information.

We would be grateful if you could help promote the campaign through your networks and partners (project logos are attached), as well as contribute further material for the campaign website.

We look forward to participation from media professionals, community media and media students who are resident in a EU member state, Iceland or Liechtenstein in the project activities -in particular the video contest and workshops.

Kind regards and already best wishes for the holidays and the new year!

Press release 

Dec. 21, 2016

Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) is partnering with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), ARTICLE 19, Media Diversity Institute (MDI), Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA), Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti (COSPE) and Community Media Institute (COMMIT) in the Europe-wide campaign Media Against Hate, to counter hate speech and discrimination in the media, while maintaining respect for freedom of expression.

The media and journalists play a crucial role in influencing both policy-making and societal opinion on migration and refugees. As hate speech and stereotypes targeting migrants and refugees proliferate across Europe, balanced and fair media reporting is needed more than ever. Despite some good journalism practices and courageous journalists speaking out against hate, additional training and resources for media professionals and media organisations are needed in order for them to uphold ethical standards when reporting sensitive subjects.

A website www.mediaagainsthate.org will gather the latest news related to ethical standards, freedom of expression, media diversity and resources for media professionals and civil society organisations (CSO) to fight against hate in the media. A series of trainings and workshops will be organised for media professionals, community media, representatives of CSOs and media regulators across Europe to exchange best practices and promote mutual learning and cooperation activities.

In addition, a video contest will be launched in January as part of the campaign to collect a diverse range of best practices with counter-narratives fighting stereotypes and discrimination in the media.

For more information and regular updates, please visit the website www.mediaagainsthate.org and the hashtag #MediaAgainstHate on Twitter.

The project is financially supported by the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers)

Nadia Bellardi 
CMFE ‘Media against Hate’ coordinator

email: mediaagainsthate at cmfe.eu 
twitter: @cmfe_eu 
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