[FoME] article on transnational repression against exiled journalists

Marcus Michaelsen marcusmichaelsen at yahoo.com
Mi Dez 14 12:08:59 CET 2016

Liebe FoME-Mitglieder,
eventuell ist der unten verlinkte Artikel für einige von Ihnen von Interesse. Am Beispiel Irans zeige ich, wie staatliche Akteure mithilfe von digitalen Medien die Aktivitäten von Dissidenten und Journalisten im Exil kontrollieren. 

Aus dem Abstract:
Exit and Voice in a Digital Age: Iran's Exiled Activists and the Authoritarian State

This paper shows how digital communication technologies enable new and influence established tactics of state repression beyond borders. Based on interviews with Iranian activists and journalists who were forced to leave the country after the controversial elections of 2009, I analyze mechanisms and aims of repressive measures targeting exiled dissidents. I argue that in an environment of intense transnational communication and information exchange, authoritarian regimes can monitor and respond to the activities of political exiles rapidly and on a large scale. State actors seek to undermine the links of exiles into the country (horizontal voice) as well as to punish claims to public attention that challenge the regime’s position in the domestic and international arenas (vertical voice). With these measures, authorities pursue a parallel strategy: expanding authoritarian power and practices beyond borders while distancing political exiles from contacts in the home country.

Mit besten Grüßen,Marcus Michaelsen
Dr. Marcus MichaelsenPostdoctoral Researcher │Department ofPolitical SciencesUniversity of Amsterdam PO.Box15578, 1001 NB Amsterdam – The Netherlands+31 (0)6 1548 9726UvA-Profile
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