[FoME] Wtrlt: CIMA Report Release: Eroding Freedoms: Media and Soft Censorship in Montenegro

Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Mo Nov 30 12:35:55 CET 2015

>>> Center for International Media Assistance <cima at ned.org> 24.11.2015 16:07 >>>



The Center for International Media Assistance and WAN-IFRA are pleased to release

Eroding Freedoms:
Media and Soft Censorship in Montenegro

Dear Sofie,

CIMA is pleased to release Eroding Freedoms: Media and Soft Censorship in Montenegro. With support from the Open Society Foundations, WAN-IFRA and CIMA have launched a series of reports examining the problem of soft censorship in several countries. 

Soft censorship is used to promote positive coverage of officials or their actions-and to punish media outlets that criticize them. It is the practice of influencing news coverage of state bodies and officials and their policies and activities through allocation or withholding of state media spending (subsidies, advertising, and other media contracts), or selective application of licensing, permits, or regulations, to shape the broad media landscape; promote or diminish the economic viability of specific media houses or outlets; and reward or punish individual media workers.

For more information on the Center for International Media Assistance, please explore our website at www.cima.ned.org, or contact us at CIMA at ned.org. 


Mark Nelson
Senior Director
Center for International Media Assistance
National Endowment for Democracy  

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