[FoME] New book: Media and Politics in New Democracies. Europe in a Comparative Perspective

Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Mi Nov 18 15:21:46 CET 2015

 European Journalism Observatory: “Dirty Togetherness”: Press, Politics
And Power In Europe’s New Democracies

(...) How is power being mediated in new democracies? Can media
function independently in the unstable and polarized political
environment experienced after the fall of autocracy? Do major shifts in
economic and ownership structures help or hinder the quality of the
media? How much can new media laws alter old journalistic habits and
political cultures? And how do new technologies impact the construction
of the media and democracy?
A sizeable international group of researchers grappled with these
questions for several years with the help of the European Research
Council, the London School of Economics, and the University of Oxford.
They conducted over three hundred interviews with politicians and
practitioners in Central and Eastern Europe, but also in other parts of
the world. They also took part in numerous brainstorming sessions
featuring academics, journalists, and media owners. The results of this
huge endeavour have just been published by Oxford University Press.
( http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780198747536.do) 
The new democracies that are investigated in this book represent a
variety of what sociologists call ‘glocalism’: homogenisation and
heterogenisation coexist, revealing hybrid models and multiple
modernities. It is local culture that assigns meaning to global and
regional influences. Ideal liberal models and best practices are being
promoted and aspired to, but these models and practices are being
adopted in opaque ways.  Local practices and regulatory schemes may well
be creative and better suited to local environments than the imported
blueprints; however, they do not live up to the liberal normative
standards taught at departments of journalism and politics.
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