[FoME] Study: Innovative Media Outlets in the Global South and Elsewhere

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Di Nov 3 12:33:26 CET 2015

Publishing for Peanuts: Innovation and the Journalism Start-up
By J.J. Robinson, Kristen Grennan, Anya Schiffrin
Columbia University School of International and Political Affairs; Open
Society Foundation, 2015, 200 p.
Download: https://columbia.academia.edu/JJRobinson/Papers
>From the executive summary:
"Our remit was to look for innovative media outlets that are producing
high-quality news, that are technologically innovative and that might
actually survive financially. Accordingly, we spent three months
interviewing media innovators around the world and reading what others
have written on the subject.
This report is divided into seven sections: 1) this introduction, 2)
our main findings, 3) two sets of recommendations, one for the media
development community and another set for people starting a media
outlet, 4) an “Innovation Index” listing practices that we found around
the world, 5) a description of our methodology, 6) a review of
practitioner reports we read, 7) write-ups describing 35 media outlets,
based on interviews we conducted."
Case studies:
+ The Conversation (Australia)
+ Crikey (Australia)
+ Daily Maverick (South Africa)
+ Eyewitness News (South Africa)
+ News Tools (South Africa)
+ Oxpeckers (South Africa)
+ Investigatewest (USA)
+ News Deeply (USA)
+ OCCRP (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
+ Ojo Público (Peru)
+ RootIO (Uganda)
+ Mashallah News (Lebanon)
+ Agência Pública (Brazil)
+ Jota (Brazil)
+ African Skycam (Kenya)
+ iHub (Kenya)
+ Himal Southasian (Nepal)
+ The Will (Nigeria)
+ Minivan News (Maldives)
+ Indiaspend (India)
+ Gram Vaani (India)
+ 7iber (Jordan)
+ Malaysiakini (Malaysia)
+ Animal Político (Mexico)
+ Chiapas Paralelo (Mexico)
+ El Daily Post (Mexico)
+ Emeequis (Mexico)
+ Horizontal (Mexico)
+ LadoB (Mexico)
+ Liberación (Mexico)
+ Riodoce (Mexico)
+ SinEmbargo (Mexico)
+ Eco-Business (Singapore)
+ Mada Masr (Egypt)
+ Guokr (China)
Christoph Dietz
P.O. Box 10 21 04 
D-52021 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 14
Fax: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 33
christoph.dietz at cameco.org
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