[FoME] The next Deutsche Welle traineeships start in September 2016. Applications will be accepted from January 11 to February 29, 2016.

Ute Lange ute.lange at dw.com
Fr Dez 11 08:26:14 CET 2015

Dear FoME Community,

Deutsche Welle is looking for young people from all over the world 
interested in a comprehensive, exceptional quality journalism program with 
an international broadcaster. 

The program covers the range of skills a journalist of the future needs: 
TV moderation, multimedia storytelling, data journalism, social media and 
virtual reality – in seminars, workshops and of course the DW editorial 
offices and our correspondent bureaux in Washington, Moscow and Brussels. 
DW trainees are involved in long-term innovative, international projects 
and have been honored in past years with the CNN Journalism Award and the 
Grimme Prize. 
For the bilingual DW traineeship we are looking for:  
• English native speakers with a good working knowledge of German
• German native speakers with an excellent working knowledge of English

Native speakers of any other DW program language are invited to apply as 
well. However, very good English skills and basic knowledge of German is 
The successful candidates will be based in Bonn an Berlin.
The traineeship can lead to employment in one of our departments in Bonn 
or Berlin. 
Here is a link with all the information about application, salary, 
content, requisites

The next traineeship starts in September 2016. Applications will be 
accepted via our online application system between January 11 and February 
29, 2016. Applications will not be accepted at any other time.

Beste Grüße

Ute Lange
Leiterin Kommunikation
Hauptabteilung Training und Kommunikation
DW Akademie

Deutsche Welle (DW)
Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3
53113 Bonn

T +49.228.429-2099
F +49.228.429-2060
M +49.173.7008759
T +49.30.4646-8508 (Berlin)
ute.lange at dw.com

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