[FoME] East African Communication Association, Uganda 29-30 Aug 2014

Terje Skjerdal terje.skjerdal at nla.no
Di Jun 10 20:35:44 CEST 2014


East African Communication Association's annual conference, Uganda Christian University, Mukono, Uganda 29-30 August 2014

The theme for this year's EACA conference is "Building capacity for changing media/journalism/communication environments in Africa."

Abstracts are invited in any of the following (or related) thematic areas. It is preferred that the scope of the papers be related to Africa, but need not be limited to Africa.

1.    History and theoretical trajectories of building capacity for changing media environments in Africa.
2.    Curriculum concerns and innovations in journalism/media/communication education and training.
3.    The role of new media technologies in journalism/media/communication education and training.
4.    Human resource challenges, opportunities and innovations in building capacity for changing media environments in Africa.
5.    Gender considerations in training for new media environments in Africa.
6.    Changing media environments, ethics and integrating faith with learning.
7.    The implications of political, economic, legal and technological developments for journalism/communication practice.
8.    Harnessing the roles of industry, government and other partners in building capacity for changing media environments in Africa.
9.    The impact of globalization on journalism/media/communication education and training: implications for Africa.
10.    Media and Corporate Communication in East Africa
11.    Laws, policies and regulatory developments and concerns for media/communication in the East African region.

Guidelines for abstract submission
Prospective delegates should submit abstracts of between 250 and 300 words to masscom at ucu.ac.ug and copy to comconference at ucu.ac.ug.

The submissions should include on a separate page:
Title of the paper; name(s) and contact details of the author(s) including phone number, email address, institutional affiliation(s); a short biography/short biographies of the author/s.

Panel Discussions
Prospective delegates are invited to propose topics for panel discussion within the overall theme of the conference. Abstracts for these should include:

(i) A title
(ii) Motivation of not more than 300 words
(iii) A brief description of each panel paper, and
(iv) A full list of participants with their telephone; email contacts and biographies.

All other abstract formatting guidelines apply.

Policy-makers and industry participants are especially encouraged to submit panel proposals.

Deadlines for abstract, panel proposals and full papers:
*    Submission of abstracts, panel proposals and full papers is extended to 15th June, 2014
*    Notification of acceptance: 30th June, 2014

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