[FoME] CfA in English: Double Degree Master Program Global Communication and International Journalism

spielhagen at zedat.fu-berlin.de spielhagen at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mi Jun 4 14:07:18 CEST 2014

Double Degree Master Program
Global Communication and International Journalism

Freie Universität Berlin (FU) and Saint Petersburg State University (SPbU)
invite to apply for the new Double Degree Master Program Global
Communication and International Journalism. The application deadline
expires on 10 July 2014.

The Program is conducted by the Institute for Media and Communication
Studies, FU Berlin, and the School of Journalism and Mass Communications,
SPbU. This program is funded by the DAAD German Academic Exchange Service.

Core areas of research and teaching are: Communication studies and
research methods, journalism studies and journalistic practice, political
communication research, international media systems in comparative
perspectives, globalization and media, international journalism culture,
modern media management, internship and research practice.

The Double Degree Master Program imparts knowledge for careers in
international journalism as well as in media research both in universities
and the private sector. Students will have the necessary competencies to
work in editorial boards or management of organizations and various
sectors of global mass media. They are prepared for positions in media
consultancy, political education and intercultural communication.
Independent professional work on an international level is one of the
major goals of the program.

The regular period of study is 4 semesters. Courses are taught both in St.
Petersburg and Berlin. The first and third semesters are studied at SPbU
in St. Petersburg and the second semester is studied at FU Berlin. The
final semester is either studied at SPbU or FU, depending on the chosen
thesis supervisor. All courses are taught in English.

All students will be admitted and first enrolled to the Master Program at
SPbU, then enrolled at FU.

Graduates from the Program receive two Master degrees simultaneously. They
will be granted a Master of Arts (M.A.) at FU and SPbU.

More Information:

Dr. Edith Spielhagen
E-mail: gcijmaster at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Phone: +49 30 838 53068

Freie Universität Berlin
Institute for Media and Communication Studies/
International Center for Journalism
Garystr. 55, D-14195 Berlin, Germany

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