[FoME] Neue Publikation: Closing the Feedback Loop - Can Technology Bridge the Accountability Gap?
Maja.Bott at kfw.de
Maja.Bott at kfw.de
Mi Jun 4 11:26:09 CEST 2014
Liebe FoME-Listenmitglieder,
die Weltbank hat gerade ein Buch zum Thema IKT-basierte Bürger-Feedback Mechanismen veröffentlicht, das für Sie von Interesse sein könnte:
Titel: Closing the Feedback Loop - Can Technology Bridge the Accountability Gap?
The publication comprises articles written by academics and practitioners as an evidence base for citizen engagement through information and communication technologies (ICTs). The authors try to address three main questions:
* How do ICTs empower citizens through participation, transparency, and accountability?
* Are technologies an accelerator to close the accountability gap-the space between government and citizens that requires bridging for open and collaborative governance?
* Under what conditions does this occur?
Mit besten Grüßen,
Maja Bott (Co-Autorin)
KfW Entwicklungsbank
KfW / Sitz: Frankfurt am Main
Vorstand: Dr. Ulrich Schroeder (Vorsitzender), Dr. Guenther Braeunig,
Dr. Ingrid Hengster, Dr. Norbert Kloppenburg, Dr. Edeltraud Leibrock, Bernd Loewen
Verwaltungsrat: Bundesminister Sigmar Gabriel (Vorsitzender)
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