[FoME] Doctoral research position in African studies & media anthropology (mobile phones)

Hans Peter Hahn hans.hahn at em.uni-frankfurt.de
Mo Jul 28 09:47:20 CEST 2014

In cooperation with a major agent of international development (KfW / DIE) I am 
looking for a PhD student who is interested in doing research in Togo in the context 
of a new monitoring structure, related to several municipal infrastructure projects. 
The research should be carried out in close collaboration with the project 
evaluators. It is also intended to result in an independent scientific study of the 
usages of new ICT at the respective locations. Etnographic fieldwork will be in thew 
core of the research. Currently, founding for two years half time position plus travel 
means is secured, and eventual third year is possible. The researcher should be 
working simultaneously for his doctoral dissertation, that shall be supervised at 
Goethe University Frankfurt.

Candidates should hold a masters degree in anthropology. A good acquaintance 
with French is mandatory. Ethnographic research experience - preferably dealing 
with mobile phones - in a francophone West African country is recommended. The 
research should start in 2014.

For further information please contact Hans Peter Hahn 
hans.hahn at em.uni-frankfurt.de 
. .
Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Hahn 
Institut für Ethnologie - Campus Westend 
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Grüneburgplatz 1 
60323 Frankfurt am Main 
Tel. 0 69 / 7 98 - 3 30 72 oder -3 30 64 

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