[FoME] Media Use in Developing Countries

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Di Aug 19 18:08:57 CEST 2014

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen der FoME-Liste,

vom 5. bis 7.11. veranstaltet das Forum Medien und Entwicklung ein
internationales Symposium zum Thema "Audience Research in Media
Development" mit Fallstudien zur Mediennutzung u.a. in Afghanistan,
Belarus, Bolivien, Burma, Nepal, Südafrika, Südsudan, Syrien und
Uzbekistan. Ausführliche Informationen zum Programm und den Referenten
finden Sie unter http://fome.info/events/symposium-2014. Anmeldeschluss
ist der 8. September.

Aus diesem Anlass anbei eine Auswahl aktueller Studien zur
Mediennutzung in Entwicklungsländern. Drei der unten aufgeführten
Studien (Syrien, Südsudan, Bolivien) werden von ihren Autoren auf dem
FoME-Symposium vorgestellt und diskutiert.

Diese und weitere Titel finden Sie auch auf

Kennen Sie weitere aktuelle und öffentlich zugängliche Studien zur
Mediennutzung in Afrika, Asien, dem Mittleren Osten und Lateinamerika?
Dann schreiben Sie mir eine Mail, gerne nehme ich Ihre Empfehlungen in
die Online-Übersicht mit auf.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Christoph Dietz


Syria Audience Research
Media in Cooperation and Transition (2014)
"The media culture of Syrians is strongly dominated by satellite
television which is the most widely accessible type of media for
Syrians." (p.2).

Etude d'Auditoire au Burundi 
IMMAR/Panos (2014)

South Sudan National Audience Survey
Forcier Consulting/Internews (2013)
"Radio remains the most accessible source of information for the vast
majority of people in South Sudan, though once again males and younger
generations have greater access to radio as well as to other
technology-based sources of information. Computers and televisions
remain largely insignificant to South Sudanese; nearly half of all
respondents did not have immediate access to media devices or
technologies of any kind." (p.vi)

Baseline Community and Decision Maker Media Perception Survey
Ipsos Synovate/Tanzania Media Fund (2013)
"Overall, ordinary citizens and decision makers alike feel the
Tanzania’s media sector is growing and improving over time, and the
sector is serving a news-hungry public that wants the media to keep
those in positions of power accountable." (summary)
Media Use in the Middle East
Northwestern University in Qatar (2013)
"In assessing attitudes toward the media, one notable finding was a
vote of confidence for improved quality of news media reporting between
2011 and 2013 with a majority of adults agreeing that it has improved in
six of the eight countries surveyed." (p.8)

Consulta Ciudadana "Tu Palabra Sobre las Noticias y el Derecho a la
Información y la Comunicación"
Observatorio Nacional de Medios (Bolivia, 2013)
"Esta investigación, en líneas generales, ha permitido establecer que
la televisión es el medio preferido para informarse y está situada en
los extremos de la credibilidad: se le cree o no se le cree." (p.34)

A Quiet Opening: North Koreans in a Changing Media Environment
Intermedia (2012)
"Substantial numbers of North Koreans are able to access various forms
of foreign media. These include foreign TV and radio broadcasts, and
particularly foreign DVDs brought into the country from China by
cross-border traders and smugglers." (p.1)

Finding a Way: How Iranians Reach for News and Information
Annenberg School for Communication (2012)
"We find that among both the general population and the technologically
savvy youth, television and especially the state-controlled broadcaster
was among the most often used news sources (with the Internet being the
most important news outlet for the youth)." (p.38)

Christoph Dietz
Postfach 10 21 04 
D-52021 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 14
Fax: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 33
christoph.dietz at cameco.org 

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