[FoME] African Media Barometer Congo Brazzaville 2013

Nora Thoma nora at fesmedia.org
Fr Dez 20 12:19:43 CET 2013

Dear all,


Please find here the direct link to the African Media Barometer Congo
Brazzaville 2013 (in French and English):  



The African Media Barometer (AMB) identifies and analyses the shortcomings
and best practices in the legal as well as practical media environment of
different African countries. Using a variety of African documents as a
benchmark, the AMB can serve as a tool to lobby for media reform.


The AMB Congo Brazzaville revealed:

After the country's post-conflict national dialogue ended in 2001, the
Republic of the Congo passed a "Freedom of Information and Communication"
law and it is one of the few countries in Central Africa to abolish prison
sentences for media offenses. However, journalists are frequently receiving,
death threats. Congo has also "abolished" its censorship law, but yet
newspapers are required to make a declaration to the state counsel's office
before publication. Consequently, public trust in the media has dropped,
resulting in weak sales of newspapers.


Generally, the ruling party dominates the state media and little room is
given to the opposition parties. There is no clear media development policy
or a statutory provision for media subsidies.

Even though, the country has a High Council for Freedom of Communication
which is responsible for the regulation of broadcasting, its operation is
controlled by the ruling party. The state broadcasters such as Radio Congo
and Tele-Congo have no board and as a result the government and political
authorities tend to influence the content mostly with biased information.
Moreover, independent broadcasters are left to wait for years before they
are issued with broadcasting licence. In general, the Congolese media both
private and state are frequently criticised for wide ranging flaws and
one-sided reporting (mostly government related news) this generally erode
their credibility.


Enjoy the read!!!!


If you would like to explore AMBs of other countries please see our website:




Please do not hesitate to contact me or my colleague Helvi Elago
(helvi at fesmedia.org)  should you have any questions.


Kind regards,





Nora Thoma 

Programme Officer

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

fesmedia Africa


P.O. Box 23652




Switchboard Tel: +264-61-417500 

Direct Tel.: +264-61-417527 

Fax.:+264-61-237 441

 <http://www.fesmedia-africa.org/> www.fesmedia-africa.org      




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