[FoME] Publication analyzes the role of the midia in the Brazilian protests from June 2013

Tina Hennecken tina.hennecken at fes.org.br
Do Dez 19 20:14:22 CET 2013

Dear fome-list,

The June 2013 protests caused a veritable political earthquake in Brazil. Daniel Fonsêca found, that the alternative media played a decisive role in the mobilization and contributed to put the debate on the democratization of communication back on the political agenda. The right to communication is a crosscutting issue as it not only strengthens media plurality, but also ensures civil, economic and collective rights. Any political reform must be preceded by a reform of the broadcasting regulatory framework, Fonsêca concludes.

Please find the full publication in English Fonsêca, Daniel (2013): You cannot not see - the media in the June 2013 demonstrations, São Paulo: FES   http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/brasilien/10423.pdf  and Portuguese Fonsêca, Daniel (2013): Não dá para não ver - as midias nas manifestações de Junho 2013, São Paulo: FES  http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/brasilien/10419.pdf

Best regards and a good festive season!

Tina Hennecken

Fundação Friedrich Ebert - Brasil

Av. Paulista, 2001 - cjto. 1313 - 13º andar
CEP 01311-931 - São Paulo - Brasil
Tel.: (+55) 11 3253 - 9090
Fax: (+55) 11 3253 - 3131

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