[FoME] Material zum FoME Jour Fixe

Radiobridge at aol.com Radiobridge at aol.com
Di Apr 9 12:11:09 CEST 2013

Material zum FoME Jour Fixe 2013 / Berlin / 10.04.2013
Nach Veröffentlichung der "NEUN THESEN zum Charakter von Medienförderung"  
erreichten mich Fragen u.a. zur Klärung des von mir verwendeten Begriffs  
"traditionelle Kommunikationsstrukturen", die ich für dringend 
förderungswürdig  halte, und zwar "unter Verwendung kostengünstiger moderner Technologien".
Für Interessenten möchte ich auf einen grundlegenden Artikel zu dieser  
Frage verweisen, der bereits 1995 die Nutzung solcher Technologie für die  
ländliche Bevölkerung in einem sogenannten Entwicklungsland beschrieb - auf  
Englisch ... 
The recommended paper has been taken from the Internet where it appeared  
around 1995 as one of the first important analytical insights in the use of 
the  web as seen from the perspective of rural dwellers in developing 
countries. The  author, Shahidul Alam, is a renown photographer based in Bangladesh 
and he is  also a pioneer in digital technology in Bangladesh and 
introduced email to the  country in the early nineties.
"When a modem costs more than a cow", by Shahidul  Alam/Drik:

... Language forms the biggest barrier to computer literacy in  Bangladesh, 
and when less than 15% of the population has access to electricity,  and a 
far smaller fraction owns computers, it is clear that only the wealthy  will 
have access to this technology. Here, a modem costs more than a cow. Yet  
this technology and this associated language both exist. We must stare this 
dual  hegemony straight in the face, but we cannot, dare not, let this 
technology pass  us by. To find creative routes to turn this technology to our 
benefit is our  greatest challenge. ...
Es grüsst, Klaus Jürgen Schmidt
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