[FoME] Global Integrity opportunity for journalists and researchers worldwide - 2013 Web Index

Johannes Tonn johannes.tonn at gmail.com
Fr Apr 5 21:08:58 CEST 2013


Global Integrity is seeking journalists, researchers and experts worldwide
to contribute to the 2013 Web Index, feeding fact-based research into the
data collection. The project is interesting.

Please forward this call for experts to your friends and colleagues.
Country Researchers are compensated with $1000 for timely research expected
during the month of May. Country Reviewers will be compensated with $200
for a few hours work any time between June and July. The project is
time-sensitive, quick turn-around, responsiveness and the ability to
deliver quality research is paramount.

Check out http://www.globalintegrity.org/blog/web-index-hiring for more
information on the roles available and the application form.

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