[FoME] launch of www.gdn.int

Ines Drefs drefsi at hotmail.de
Mi Mai 23 12:59:56 CEST 2012

Dear colleagues, 

fyi I am forwarding an e-mail on the Global Development Network's website launch. 

Best regards, 

Ines Drefs, M.A.
PhD Student 

Jarrestraße 5 

22303 Hamburg 


Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 02:26:27 -0700
From: arundhuti13 at yahoo.com
Subject: welcome to GDN

Hello everybody,


Greetings from Delhi. Hope this mail finds each one of you doing great, both professionally & personally.
Proud to announce the launch of our corporate website: www.gdn.int. Ever since my joining, apart from the
other responsibilities, have been working on this site.


One of the main aims of the Global Development Network (GDN) is to connect as many
researchers & stakeholders from developed and developing &
transitioning economies/ countries & create a common platform to promote
interaction, exchange and sharing of ideas to affect policies.


Forwarding this to you all as I believe our EMA
network is quite handy for dissemination purposes J Please feel free to spread the message to your fellow researchers.


Started in 1999 as a World Bank initiative, GDN started
working independently since 2001. In 2005, it moved its headquarters from
Washington DC to New Delhi and signed the IO Charter.

There are loads of events and activities going on from the upcoming annual
conference in Budapest to regional & global research competitions &
projects. Anyone interested in development research/ development economics
should visit the site for their own benefit.

Please feel free to
provide any feedback you may have. In case, I've forgotten anyone, apologies. Please share.


Cheers & Take Care,Arundhuti. alternate email id: arundhutis at gmail.com 		 	   		  
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