[FoME] Publikation: "Learning with Community Media"

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Do Jun 28 13:39:04 CEST 2012

Learning with community media: stories from the Commonwealth and Latin
Pringle, Ian; Mittal, Ekta; Valdés, Mónica / (eds.)
Vancouver: Commonwealth of Learning (COL), 2012, viii + 148 p.
Aus dem Vorwort:
The experiences detailed in this publication tell us at least two
important things: 1. The models and principles of open and distance
learning have great relevance in media-based non-formal learning for
development; for example, the need for collaboration between media
producers and subject experts, the value of blended approaches, the
importance of assessment and the need for quality assurance. 2. Although
designing and delivering educational programmes is challenging and
requires financial, human and technical resources, content that
addresses the real needs of local populations increases the degree of
participation and ownership by community stakeholders, builds social
capital and contributes directly and indirectly to social and financial
sustainability ... Community media is in large part about dialogue —
between and among citizens and groups from civil society, public and
private sectors. Aptly, this publication is also a space of dialogue,
bringing together experiences from the Commonwealth and those from Latin
America, the cradle of community radio and certainly where it has found
one of its most impressive expressions. This resource provides readers
with fresh insights into the practice of participatory educational
communication using community media, particularly radio and increasingly
mobile devices.

PART ONE: The Educational Potential of Community Media
Participatory Radio Campaigns and Small-Scale Farming Innovations:
Promoting Learning and Uptake 
The Strengthening of Being (Jun Winaq) through Community Radio of the
Mayab in Iximulew
Tracing a History of Edu-communication in Venezuela with IRFA
That Wave Is for Sure: The Radio-School in the Socio-cultural
Management of Learning
Learning through Traditional Cultural Forms

PART TWO: Stories of Learning
Good Morning, You Are Listening to Community Radio: A Collection of
Stories about Listeners in Their Communities
>From Public Speaking to Community Broadcasting
>From the Kitchen to the Radio Studio
Inspiring HIV Testing in Upington, South Africa

PART THREE: Praxis in Latin America
DKY FM: Radio on the Street in Nicaragua 
Training and Social Mobilisation to Combat Violence against Women
Minga of the Sun: Communication for Life
Joining the Dots: Edu-entertainment for Civic Responsibility and
Development in Latin America
Paths of Life on the Radio

PART FOUR: Praxis in the Commonwealth
Stories from the Bag of Life
The Message Matrix: A Participatory Programme Design Tool
Building Partnerships in Educational Programming for Healthy
Community Learning Programme in Jamaica and Belize: Synergy and
Leveraging Partnerships to Close the Feedback Loop
Pausing to Plan at Kumaon Vani

PART FIVE: Tools for Integrating Mobile Devices and Telephony
Freedom to Learn: Blending Interactive Voice Response and Radio
Tools for Use in Integrating Mobile Phones into Local Educational
Facilitating Community Participation with Mobiles and Innovative
Integrating Mobiles into Community Learning Programmes

Christoph Dietz
Postfach 10 21 04 
D-52021 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 14
Fax: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 33
christoph.dietz at cameco.org 

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