[FoME] Studie: Syrischer Cyber-Krieg

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Mi Jun 27 16:36:16 CEST 2012

Syria’s Cyber Wars
By Amjad Baiazy
Open Society Foundation 2012, 25 S.
Aus dem Summary:
The government in Syria came to differentiate between political dissent
and the civil society activism in which the new generation plays a vital
role thanks to the use of social media. Unable to control the burst of
online activity, Damascus was forced to focus on monitoring key
dissenters and human rights activists rather than wasting time and
resources on monitoring thousands of youth and civil society activists
who are turning to web 2.0 technologies such as Facebook and Twitter to
promote change and development. 

Online social media, which virtually anyone can use from home, played a
central role in the Syrian uprising and helped break the decades-old
government media monopoly. But it helped the Syrian government crack
down on activists.
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