[FoME] AMB Benin 2011 is launched!

Nora Thoma nora at fesmedia.org
Mo Jun 25 17:29:17 CEST 2012


Dear all,


The African Media Barometer (AMB) Benin that took place in August 2011 was
officially launched on Tuesday, June 19, 2012.  According to the evaluation
of indicators specific to the African Media Barometer 2011 edition, one of
the weaknesses revealed at the AMB meeting is the stranglehold that  the
state authorities has on public service media which influence what is being
printed. As a result, this has affected the quality or value of the media
environment in Benin. 


The public broadcaster (especially national television) has lost some
credibility as a result of the political interference by state authorities.
Information is biased in favor of those in power, who censor all those who
threaten their interests. 


However, newspapers among others are positively appreciated by the report
even though there are no print media presented in the local languages. On
the other hand, about 15 local languages can be heard on the rural radio
stations.The state allocates an annual subsidy to the public broadcaster,
but the salary levels of journalists are very low and in some cases
virtually non existent. In spite of that, there are opportunities for
training in journalism and the trade unions and journalist associations
contribute in offering training. These unions are active in defending the


Please find attached the AMB Benin 2011.


Enjoy the read!!!!


Kind regards,




Nora Thoma 

Programme Officer

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

fesmedia Africa


P.O. Box 23652




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