[FoME] Syrien u.a.: User-Generated Content in Transitional Societies

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Do Jun 21 15:33:52 CEST 2012

Harkin, Juliette; Anderson, Kevin; Morgan, Libby; Smith, Briar:
Deciphering user-generated content in transitional societies: a Syria
coverage case study
Washington, DC: Internews; University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg School
for Communication, Center for Global Communication Studies, 40 p.

Aus dem "Executive summary", S. 3:
The objective of this study is to look at how two prominent
Arab-language news organisations, BBC Arabic and Al Jazeera Arabic
(AJA), have used social media and user-generated content  — photos,
videos and comments — to provide coverage of the uprising in Syria.
Due to the unique pressures in covering Syria, especially in the early
months of the uprising, how did these news organizations manage the
heavy use of UGC and social media while being true to their editorial
guidelines? How have the news organizations in this study verified this
material? With activists playing a role in producing and distributing
this material, how have the news organizations informed their audiences
of the provenance of this material? In terms of UGC management both BBC
Arabic and Al Jazeera Arabic publish information about their
corporate-wide editorial guidelines that set out guidance for dealing
with sources and assuring transparency for their audiences. In the case
of the BBC generally, there is very detailed guidance about
user-generated content for news. An investigation into the verification
practices at BBC Arabic and Al Jazeera Arabic indicates that detailed
guidance is in place ...

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