[FoME] Medienförderung: Kongo, Kambodscha, Mali, Peru, Kenia

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Di Aug 28 16:31:23 CEST 2012

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Internews und World Bank Institute haben die ersten 5 von insgesamt 7
Länderberichten zur Medienförderung soeben veröffentlicht (auch wenn
in den Berichten steht, sie seien im November 2011 abgeschlossen
worden). Die Studien geben auch eine Übersicht über die nationale
Medienlandschaft und umfassen einen "literature review" und i.d.R. eine
Übersicht wichtiger nationaler Medienorganisationen.

Sehr detailliert und lesenswert ist der Bericht zur DR Kongo.

Democratic Republic of the Congo
Von Marie-Soleil Frère

Auszug aus dem Executive Summary (p.6) "reaching $80 million over the
past ten years, media support by donors and operators has varied,
essentially covering five types of activities: the creation of neutral
and apolitical media and content (a recurring strategy in post-conflict
countries); direct support (funds or equipment) for a number of outlets;
media staff training; strengthening of the sectors professional
organizations and associations; consolidation of public institutions to
organize the sector (including regulation and legal reform). Each of
these types of interventions has generated both positive impacts and
negative effects on individual journalists, newsrooms, media outlets and
local organizations in the media sector. Beneficiaries, donors, and
INGOs have all advanced their own critiques regarding the ways in which
media support initiatives have been designed, implemented and assessed
so far. They also make suggestions about how to improve media support
in the future, to make it more consistent with the needs of the local
Congolese media."

Von Margarette Roberts

Auszug aus der Conclusion (p. 39) "donor funded media development is a
relatively new phenomenon, resulting in minimal impact. Modest gains
have been made: technical improvements in television production, some
better skilled journalists, development of journalists associations and
a code of ethics, and greater citizen engagement. However, balanced and
in-depth reports are scant and there remains limited space for freedom
of expression. Professional media reports based on fact rather than
opinion, on a range of sources (especially on a range of political
sources) are the exception rather than the rule ... Improvements require
considerable time and effort which often extends beyond the life of a
short to medium term donor horizon. AusAID, KAF, UNDP and USAID are
current donors who understand this."

Von Heather Gilberds

Auszug aus der Conclusion (p. 33), "Malis media remain significantly
underdeveloped in terms of business management, audience research and
long-term sustainability. Many media organizations remain dependent on
donor funding and have done little to develop business models to attract
other sources of revenue. There are more than 50 professional
associations and networks that help with training and advocacy, yet they
are affected by conflicts of interests that undermine their efforts.
There is no school of journalism, and media-related trainings are
short-term and often centered around the shifting priorities of donors.
There is no union to protect the rights of journalists and to help them
in circumstances of legal persecution or harassment. It is also clear
that donor priorities and programs are not doing enough to ensure the
continued development of a strong independent media system. Over the
past 20 years, funding has shifted from programs designed to strengthen
independent media to programs that see media as tools to disseminate
development information."

Von Gabriela Martínez

Von Katharine Allen und Iginio Gagliardone


Dr. Christoph Dietz
Postfach 10 21 04 
D-52021 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 14
Fax: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 33
christoph.dietz at cameco.org 

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