[FoME] Marketing for Media Development (M4MD)

Daniel Blank db at owc.de
Mo Sep 19 09:14:41 CEST 2011

Dear FoME-Members,


Craig La May argues in his book “Exploring Press Freedom” (2007):


“Many media in developing countries have been or are grant-dependant. When
grants are exhausted or withdrawn, media that were funded to further
democratic consolidation typically wither and die.”


An important reason for this can be found in a chapter written by Tim
Carrington and Mark Nelson for the book “The Right to Tell” (2002):


“Many countries have little infrastructure for such training [on financial
sustainability]: most journalism schools in the developing world focus on
journalistic skills, that is, reporting and writing. Few developing
countries have media business consultants who can advice media companies and
their media strategies.”


Marketing for Media Development (M4MD) wants to help build financially
sustainable media for a better world! 


Please find further information on the following new website:


 <http://www.m4md.de/> www.m4md.de


Furthermore, I would like to put forward the idea of a future FoME-Symposium
on the crucial aspect of “Making media development financially sustainable”.


Best wishes,


Dan Blank



Dr. Daniel Blank

Dy Managing Director

Head of Marketing Department


OWC – Verlag für Außenwirtschaft GmbH

Hohenzollernstr. 11-13

D-40211 Düsseldorf, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 211-55 04 26-0

Fax:     +49 (0) 211-55 04 26-55

eMail:  <mailto:db at owc.de> db at owc.de

URL:  <http://www.owc.de/> www.owc.de


Board of Directors: 

Dr. Jutta Falkner, Klaus Leger, Norbert Mayer, Dr. Daniel Blank

HRB 4574 - Amtsgericht Münster


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