[FoME] Reminder - Open Aid Data Conference Berlin

Claudia Schwegmann claudia.schwegmann at openaid.de
Fr Sep 9 12:49:34 CEST 2011

Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen
Anbei ein "reminder" für die Open Aid Data Konferenz:

Open Aid Data Conference

Böll Foundation, Schumannstraße 8, 10117 Berlin 

The High
Level Meeting on Aid Effectiveness in Busan is only a few weeks
away. In time for the final preparations the OECD has published its
comprehensive evaluation
of the Paris Declaration. Key recommendations of this evaluation are
the strengthening of aid transparency, risk management and mutual
accountability. The evaluation underlines that “Transparency
has emerged repeatedly as the indispensable foundation for
effectiveness and accountability.” Government donors and
NGOs need to increase their transparency in order to achieve more
effective aid. 

On the 29th
of September the Open Aid Data
Conference in Berlin will provide a unique opportunity for
development experts and practitioners to reflect on the relevance and
the practical implementation of aid transparency. Inspiring examples
of transparency initiatives will stimulate the debate and open up
concrete options for improvements. An introduction to the concept of
open data and the presentation of open data projects in other sectors
will highlight the added value of standardised, open and accessible

Our presenters
include Peter Eigen from Transparency International, Prasanna Lal Das
from the WorldBank Open Data Initiative, Ronald Siebes, responsible
for the implementation of the International
Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) at the Dutch Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, and Jörg Faust from the German Institut for
Development Policy. AKVO (NL), Development Gateways (USA),
TransparentAid (Nigeria) and the Open Society Foundation Georgia will
provide examples for civil society initiatives. 

In preparation of
the conference, aidinfo (UK) will offer a free training on data
sources for NGO policy staff and in a parallel session the
Open-Knowledge-Foundation Germany will organise a hackday to develop
data applications with aid data. Please register for the event here.
Detailed programme information is presented at www.openaiddata.de.

We are looking
forward to meet you in Berlin!

Claudia Schwegmann
Birkenkamp 41
30900 Wedemark
Mobil: +49-(0)163-326 6504


Join us at the Open Aid Data Event in Berlin - 28th and 29th of September 2011:
A Hackday, Data Training and Conference to promote Open Data and Transparency in development cooperation!

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