[FoME] Digital /E-Book Publishing in Developing Countries

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Fr Jun 17 19:36:50 CEST 2011

New Study: "Digital Publishing in Developing Countries"

Many assume that the digital models that work in the United States and
Europe can easily be applied to China, Latin America, and elsewhere in
the developing world. This could not be more wrong, argues a new study
“Digital Publishing in Developing Countries,” carried out by Octavio
Kulesz (Editorial Teseo, Argentina) in October 2010, and commissioned by
the International Alliance of Independent Publishers, with the support
of the Prince Claus Foundation. 

The report covers developments in Latin America, the Arab World,
Sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, India and China.

The report has been made available online in June 2011 and can be read
free of charge in Spanish, French and English at


Christoph Dietz 
Postfach 10 21 04 
D-52021 Aachen, Germany 
Tel.: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 14 
Fax: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 33 
christoph.dietz at cameco.org 

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