[FoME] FW: intajour - Fellowship Programme 2011/2012

Blanka Balfer blanka at fesmedia.org
Di Jun 7 10:20:11 CEST 2011

Dear all,


Attached you will find the Fellowship Programme 2011/2012 of the
International Academy of Journalism: Journalism in the Digital World


Each technical advance opens up new possibilities for research and
publishing. To take advantage

of these opportunities, journalists must constantly build and update their
skills. Sometimes

the new journalistic opportunities also require new responses to the
question of freedom and

responsibility in the media. Journalists will have to adapt to this - and
repeatedly because of ever shorter

innovation cycles. Against this background, the International Academy of
Journalism is

offering the 10-month 'Journalism in the Digital World' blended-learning
training programme.

As Intajour Fellows, journalists from around the world are given an
opportunity to update their

technical skills and discuss current media ethics issues.


Feel free to distribute it. For further information and the online
application form please visit our website



Kind regards


Blanka Balfer

Programme Manager

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P.O. Box 23652



Tel.: +264-61-237 438

Fax.:+264-61-237 441

Mobile: +264-6012537

blanka at fesmedia.org

www.fesmedia.org <http://www.fesmedia.org/> 


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