[FoME] CIMA Publication: By the People: The Rise of Citizen Journalism /

Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Mi Jan 5 17:03:35 CET 2011

By the People: The Rise of Citizen Journalism
CIMA is pleased to release a new report, By the People: The Rise of Citizen Journalism, by Eugene Meyer, a veteran journalist. Citizen journalism is seen by some as an antidote to the widening gap in societies where traditional news media—print and broadcast—are in decline. Yet in societies that could benefit most from these developing forms of news reporting, repressive regimes are working to suppress freedom of the press, whether in the traditional mainstream media or in the brave new world of citizen journalism. This report examines both the challenges and opportunities facing citizen journalism around the world. 

A. Sofie Jannusch
Catholic Media Council
P.O.Box 10 21 04
52021 Aachen
Fon: **49-241-70 13 12 12
skype: sofie.jannusch
Fax:  **49-241-70 13 12 33
Email: sofie.jannusch at cameco.org
Internet: http://www.cameco.org
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