[FoME] Publication Measuring Change II available online

Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Di Apr 12 11:29:50 CEST 2011

Measuring Change II. 
Expanding Knowledge on Monitoring and Evaluation in Media Development
now available online
Measuring Change II – the 5th Symposium of the German Forum Media and
Development (FoME) –extended and deepened discussions on monitoring and
evaluation (M&E) in media development launched in its 2007 Conference.
Participants shared latest trends, tools, and learning on assessing
media landscapes, evaluating the quality and impact of training, and how
media's contributions to social and political change are assessed. 
Donor and media assistance organisations presented approaches to M&E and
shared their experiences with existing frameworks. 
The documentation of presentations is now available online under
Part I: Assessing Media Landscapes
Andrew Puddephat
Assessing Media Environments Worldwide:
UNESCO’s media indicators framework toolkit
Helge Rønning  
C4D and media for democratic & human rights:
What constitutes media development?
Rolf Paasch
The African Media Barometer (AMB) in Practice:
Perceptions and Realities in Assessing Media Landscapes
Fackson Banda
Reviewing Media Development Assessment:
What are we winning?
Part II: Assessing Training           
Marie-Soleil Frère 
Beyond UNESCO indicators:
Assessing journalism schools in Africa
Helmut Osang 
A Report from Laos:
Building Field Research on a Budget
Part III: Approaches to M&E in Media Development
Lakshmi Nair & A S Panneerselvan
Measuring Change II:
Spheres of Influence
Mark Koenig 
USAID Media Sector Programs:
Assistance Activities and Evaluation Approaches
Part IV: Good Governance & Democratisation and the Media
Anne-Katrin Arnold The “Public Sentinel”:
News Media Roles in Governance Reform
Birgitte Jallov 
Building Communication for Empowerment:
C4E Pilots Assess Media Voice & Inclusion
Andrew Robertson / Eran Fraenkel / Emrys Shoemaker / Sheldon Himelfarb
Media in Fragile Environments:
The USIP Intended-Outcomes Needs Assessment Methodology
Nick Oatley 
Evaluating Media for Peacebuilding:
Measuring the impact of the moving image
Thomas R. Lansner
Responses to the Pre-Conference-Questionnaire
 A. Sofie Jannusch
Catholic Media Council
P.O.Box 10 21 04
52021 Aachen
Fon: **49-241-70 13 12 12
skype: sofie.jannusch
Fax:  **49-241-70 13 12 33
Email: sofie.jannusch at cameco.org
Internet: http://www.cameco.org
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