[FoME] Literaturführer Kommunikation und Governance in Entwicklungsländern

Christoph Dietz christoph.dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Mi Jun 9 10:36:49 CEST 2010

Eine aktuelle kommentierte Literaturauswahl:
Topic guide on communications and governance
Claire McIoughlin, Zoe Scott
Birmingham: Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC), University of Birmingham, May 2010, 42 p.
Download: http://www.gsdrc.org/docs/open/CommGAP1.pdf
About this guide (p.2):
"This guide introduces some of the best recent literature on the role of communications in governance. It highlights the major critical debates surrounding the relationship between communications, government accountability and responsiveness, and state-society relations in developing countries. It is intended primarily as a reference for policymakers, and highlights practical guidance, lessons learned and case studies on supporting the development of independent and plural media systems, increasing access to information, and using communications tools in governance reform processes across a range of contexts, including fragile and conflict-affected states. New publications and emerging issues will be incorporated on a quarterly basis. The guide was written by Claire Mcloughlin and Zoe Scott in April 2010, in close collaboration with the Communication for Governance and Accountability (CommGAP) program of the World Bank."
Dr. Christoph Dietz
Postfach 10 21 04 
D-52021 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 14
Fax: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 33
christoph.dietz at cameco.org
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