[FoME] cross-media peace campaign in Kenya

Kersti Wissenbach kersti at butterflyworks.org
Do Apr 8 09:49:16 CEST 2010

The Building Bridges Peace Campaign website was officially launched last

We applied a joomla translation of the Ushahidi mapping tool for those who
are interested in the technical part.

First initiatives have been registered already. You can check the page here:


Kersti Ruth Wissenbach
Project Strategist

t  +31 (0)20 4711780
e kersti at butterflyworks.org
w www.butterflyworks.org

Butterfly Works, positive chain of events

On 24 March 2010 10:05, Kersti Wissenbach <kersti at butterflyworks.org> wrote:

> Dear colleagues and friends of Media Development,
> Launching April 2, 2010, Building Bridges will recognise and reward
> peacemakers and peace projects across Kenya as a way of strengthening the
> peace building capacity of Kenyan citizens. Kenya needs peace to prosper and
> everyone has a role to play. The campaign supports people from all
> backgrounds to make a change. Building Bridges, in partnership with Media
> Focus on Africa Foundation and Butterfly Works, is raising awareness and
> support for the winning initiatives and individuals through an interactive
> online platform http://buildingbridges.co.ke. The campaign will run for
> three months and the winning individuals and organisations will receive cash
> prizes.
> Please find a complete press release attached.
> We will launch the final website entailing the Ushahidi mapping tool for
> crowd sourcing by the beginning of April.
> --
> Kersti Ruth Wissenbach
> Project Strategist
> t  +31 (0)20 4711780
> e kersti at butterflyworks.org
> w www.butterflyworks.org
> Butterfly Works, positive chain of events
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