[FoME] Neuerscheinung zu Pressefreiheit
"Dr. Bärbel Röben"
b.roeben at arcor.de
Mo Mai 11 13:41:47 CEST 2009
Liebe Listenmitglieder,
unten in dieser Mail ein Buchhinweis auf eine interessante
Neuerscheinung zum Thema Pressefreiheit (auch wenn der zum 3. Mai schon
über eine Woche zurückliegt ;-) )
Viele Grüße
Bärbel Röben
Dr. Bärbel Röben
Journalistin und Medienwissenschaftlerin
Herforder Str. 15a
57439 Attendorn
Tel.: 02722/630921
Mail: b.roeben at arcor.de
Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe Concepts and Conditions
Edited by Andrea Czepek, Melanie Hellwig and Eva Nowak, 308 pages,
30 tables 7 x 9, *Paper* $40.00, April 2009
We assume that freedom of the press is guaranteed in a democratic
society. But, in /Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe/, researchers
from twelve countries reveal that it is all too frequently a freedom
that is taken for granted. In turn, they examine media systems
throughout Europe and report on their conditions for independence and
pluralism. Contributors to this volume discuss press freedom and
diversity through several case studies involving such countries as the
Baltics, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Finland, France, Germany, Austria,
Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. This volume provides a critical
basis from which to evaluate media freedom in the United States, and
will consequently be of interest to scholars of media and communication
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