[FoME] Wtrlt: CIDEAL searches experts for technical assistance missions in the field of culture and dev

Sofie Jannusch Sofie.Jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Fr Okt 17 11:51:41 CEST 2008

Dear Sir or Madam:

CIDEAL (www.cideal.org) is a Spanish non-profit organization founded in 1983 that works in the field of cooperation for development in several sectors, such us cultural development, social development, education, employment, governance and institutional strengthening, among others.

CIDEAL is currently participating in some European consortia for the provision of short term technical assistance services to the European Commission in developing countries. Consequently we are looking for experts with high experience in the above mentioned areas and specifically in the field of cultural development and management of cultural programmes and projects.

We would be very grateful if you could disseminate this information among the different experts and colleagues that could be interested and available to participate in this kind of missions, in order to keep them informed when a mission arises. We are particularly looking for experts with experience in cultural issues and cultural cooperation programmes in Africa and Latin America.

A few days ago a new technical mission has been launched to support the Ministry of Culture in Mali for the ellaboration of a strategy for cultural development in the country. Please find enclosed the terms of reference for the mission. The deadline for the submission of CV is the next 8th November 

The candidates interested in this or future missions could send their CV in the attached format with their contact data to the following email address:

asistencia.tecnica at cideal.org

Thank you in advance for your kind collaboration. 

Sincerely yours

Luis C᭡ra
Director Asistencia T飮ica y Capacitaci󮼯FONT>
c/ Espa񯬥to, 9. 1? B-2
28010 Madrid
Tel: (+34) 91 448 18 16
luis.camara at cideal.org

A. Sofie Jannusch
Catholic Media Council
P.O.Box 10 21 04
52021 Aachen
Fon: **49-241-70 13 12 12
skype: sofie.jannusch
Fax:  **49-241-70 13 12 33
Email: sofie.jannusch at cameco.org
Internet: http://www.cameco.org
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Betreff: CIDEAL technical assistance missions in the field of culture and development 
Datum: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 19:40:50 +0200
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