[FoME] ECREA's 2nd EUROPEAN COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE -International and Intercultural Communication
Leo Van Audenhove
leo.van.audenhove at vub.ac.be
Do Jan 17 11:10:51 CET 2008
For Fome members the section on International and Intercultural
Communication might be interesting.
kind regards
Conference website:
On-line forms for submitting proposals:
> PAPER PROPOSALS: http://www.ecrea2008barcelona.org/eng/callfor_pa.asp
> POSTER PROPOSALS: http://www.ecrea2008barcelona.org/eng/callfor_po.asp
> PANEL PROPOSALS: http://www.ecrea2008barcelona.org/eng/callfor_pn.asp
The call for papers, panels and posters has opened on the 1st
December 2007. The deadline for submission of Proposals is Friday
15th February 2008.
Feel free to circulate this call to colleagues or any other research
networks that may be interested in submitting a proposal.
We are looking forward to welcome you to this event!
2nd European Communication Conference
Communication Policies and Culture in Europe
Communication Sciences Faculty
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
info at ecrea2008barcelona.org
The conference theme
The broad theme of this major international congress, Communication
policies and culture in Europe, refers to the confluence that can be
established between the media and the different interpretations of
culture in Europe nowadays. This confluence refers to the
globalisation effects on a diversity of spaces (multinational,
national, local) with all its political implications. It moreover
refers to the different mediations and interactions that configure
the current European society with respect to migrations, new forms of
political participation, the dialectics of identity and diversity,
new cultural consumptions, etc. The broad title aims to emphasize the
importance of politics and culture, but also refers to new ways of
regulation and de-regulation, the technology and the management of
convergence within the cultural industries the new public service
remit, and the variety of communication policies that aim to
guarantee cultural diversity and development in Europe.
This invitation for proposals is both for individual papers and
posters and for pre-organised panels, from established academics,
young scholars, practitioners and postgraduate research students.
Apart from the programme of panels, papers and posters established on
the basis of the conference call, the conference will also include a
series of plenary panels and semi-plenary sessions on topics
addressing the main conference theme, such as local communication,
the cooperation between Europe and Latin America, etc.
Submitting a proposal
Individual paper proposals, individual poster proposals and panel
proposals can be submitted here:
> PAPER PROPOSALS: http://www.ecrea2008barcelona.org/eng/callfor_pa.asp
> POSTER PROPOSALS: http://www.ecrea2008barcelona.org/eng/callfor_po.asp
> PANEL PROPOSALS: http://www.ecrea2008barcelona.org/eng/callfor_pn.asp
All proposals will have to be submitted to one of ECREA's 15 thematic
sections, and will be reviewed by one of the 15 section selection
committees (the section focus can be found below – see http://
www.ecrea.eu/divisions/section for more information on the sections)
Notifications of acceptance will be sent out on 15th April 2008. The
registration has opened on 1st December 2007.
Paper-presenters and panellists will be asked to confirm their
intention to attend by registering before 24th October 2008, in order
to be able to finalise the conference programme.
Candidates are asked to include an abstract of minimum 400 and
maximum 500 words, which should contain a clear outline of his/her
arguments, theoretical framework, methodology and results.
Candidates can submit their abstract in English, in Spanish AND
English, or in Catalan AND English. Only one proposal as first author
will be accepted, although more proposals can be submitted as co-
author (second, ), as chair, or as respondent of a panel - but a
participant will be allowed only one paper presentation. For this
reason, paper proposals should be submitted by the person who is
planning to present the paper at the conference. Co-authors will be
mentioned in the conference programme.
Candidates are asked to include an abstract of minimum 400 and
maximum 500 words, which should contain a clear outline of his/her
arguments, theoretical framework, methodology and results. Candidates
can submit their abstract in English, in Spanish AND English, or in
Catalan AND English. Only one proposal as first author is allowed,
although others could be submitted as co-author.
We expect panel proposals to comprise six participants: either six
presenters or five presenters and a respondent/discussant for a 105-
minutes session. In addition, one Chair can be nominated. This Chair
should not be presenting one of the papers, although s/he may be a co-
author. Panels proposals should include:
- A panel abstract of minimum 400 and maximum 500 words
- Abstracts (400-500 words) and personal information of each of the
- The proposal can be submitted in English, in Spanish AND English,
or in Catalan AND English
The key dates for the conference are as follows:
1st December 2007: Open call for paper, poster and panel proposals
15th February 2008: Deadline for the on-line submission of paper,
poster and panel proposals
15th April: Notification of acceptance
24th October 2008: Deadline for the submission of full papers
24th October 2008: Deadline for registration of presenters
25-28 November 2008: The ECC08 conference
ECREA's Thematic Sections
Audience and Reception Studies
The Audience and Reception Studies section is about how people
interpret and use media, and with what consequences on the micro -
and macro-level. The section welcomes various approaches (theoretical/
critical works, empirical studies, methodological discussions) and
methods (quantitative or qualitative research, or both) and
encourages works that cross disciplines (social sciences, humanities
and arts, life sciences) and traditional boundaries (between "old
media" and "new media"; between mass communication and group
communication; between content/production and audience/reception/
Communication and Democracy
The ECREA Communication and Democracy section invites you to send in
abstracts for papers as well as panel proposals focussing on the
relationship between media, communication and democracy. Democracy is
being defined here in a broad sense and is not merely limited to the
procedural elements in political systems. Likewise, media and
communication relates to both more traditional media as well as the
internet and newer media opportunities. The section-theme for 2008
Barcelona conference is "Media and Communication for a Democratic and
Culturally Diverse Europe". Abstracts and panel proposals should
ideally address one of these rather general sub-themes: challenges to
public sphere theory; social mobilizations, activism and protest
cultures; the future of community media (in a digital age); citizen
and public journalism in defence of democracy; EU media &
communication policy: does public participation matter?; the
political significance of media literacies; and web 2.0: changi
ng politics through digital networks?
Communication Law and Policy
The recently launched Communication Law and Policy Section provides a
forum for the debate and analysis of past and current national and EU
legal, regulatory and policy directions in the field of European
media and communication. The field is interpreted broadly to include
political, social, cultural, anthropological and economic questions.
The section invites contributions (proposals for papers, posters or
panels) in any area of European media and communication law,
regulation and policy.
Diaspora, Migration and the Media
Transnational and diasporic communications have brought a number of
theoretical and methodological challenges for European communication
research, such as those relating to the significance of the national
public spheres, national broadcasting, multicultural media and the
cultural and communication practices of people living in culturally
diverse societies. The section invites and encourages theoretical and
empirical explorations of European communications and diversity from
across Europe and beyond. We welcome interdisciplinary approaches and
innovative studies in all areas of media and communication research
(media production; media texts; consumption of media and
communications technologies; national and transnational policy; media
ethics and the representation of difference)
Digital Culture and Communication
The digital culture and communication section aims at exchanging and
developing research at the European level in the developing field of
digital media and informational culture as this is broadly defined.
We welcome work that crosses disciplines and that operates at the
boundaries of what might generally be allowed to constitute media/
communication systems. The section actively seeks both empirical and
theoretical/critical work. It therefore welcomes work that questions
the general specificity of 'the digital' and/or uses 'the digital' to
rethink existing media and communication theories and approaches (as
well as research methods).
Film Studies
Ranging from early cinema experiences in European metropolis, to the
contemporary blockbuster multiplexes, film has always been at the
forefront of European popular culture. The film studies section
invites for contributions that deal with film in a broad variety of
aspects: film as content, as cultural artefact, as commercial
product, as lived experience, as cultural and economic institution,
as symbolic field of cultural production, as media technology, etc.
We strive towards methodological openness and multilevel approaches
on the study of historical and contemporary cinema: film text,
context, production, representation and reception. Cultural studies
perspectives, historical approaches, political economy, textual
analysis, audience research all find its place within the section
Gender and communication
The Section Gender and Communication invites contributions, which
stress issues within the field of communication with a specific
interest in gender, conceptualised in a broad sense. The section
specifically seeks inclusivity in relation to gender studies issues
on the part of media research. Amongst gender-related issues are
ethnicity, identity politics, queer studies, media industries,
feminist media studies, popular culture studies, post-structural
theory, as well as a host of philosophical questions. Aiming to
bridge the gap between communication and gender studies, this section
welcomes interdisciplinary approaches that combine a focus on gender
with media research, namely media production, content analysis of
media texts and media use and/or reception.
International and Intercultural Communication
The field of International and Intercultural Communication has
changed considerably over the last years. Globalisation and its
consequences have forced the field to broaden its scope considerably.
Furthermore the field is challenged from the outside by other
disciplines engaging in the debate on the role of communication in
globalisation processes. In this section we welcome contributions
that take a broad view on cross-border communication in all its
forms. We define cross-border communication in terms of communication
crossing national or/and cultural borders. We will both focus on
mediated and personal forms of communication
Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction
The Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction section
welcomes contributions that focus on the study of human interaction
and human communicative behaviour. The core is constituted of
contacts and bonds between people, whether in private or public
contexts, whether face-to-face or through various communication
technologies. The research fields and theory development areas of
interpersonal communication and social interaction are wide-ranging.
They include interpersonal relationships, relationship formation,
development and termination, group and team communication,
conversational organisation, verbal and nonverbal communication,
public speaking, radio and television performance, rhetoric,
argumentation, persuasion and mutual influence, communicative
competence and interpersonal skills, ethnography of speaking, and
other related approaches to human social interaction. All kinds of
contexts are welcome (e.g., family, work, instructional, political,
health), as are all
methodologies (qualitative, quantitative, mixed).
Journalism Studies
The ECREA Journalism Studies Section is concerned with cultural,
political, economic, social and professional aspects of journalism
and news work. The Section accordingly invites for consideration
papers of high quality across the range of journalism studies,
focussing on occupational, participatory, regulatory, ethical,
social, technological, political, commercial, cultural, educational,
historical and other dimensions, with particular reference to the
European and/or global context
Organisational and Strategic Communication
The ECREA section for Organizational and Strategic Communication
promotes an active and critical dialogue among scholars in view of
consolidating an interdisciplinary field of debate, applications and
complex projects. Its aim is to approach and to debate on the
fundamentals of corporate communication and to encourage the
development of research topics and input concepts by different
scholars in various European countries or elsewhere. The overall
objective of the Section is therefore to enhance the European
research within the field of organizational and strategic
communications as well as to refine the conceptual and methodological
background of the correlated practice. The participation rules of the
Section allow contributions from researchers, professors, master and
doctoral students, as well from corporate representatives whose aim
is to develop the internal research portfolios of their own
organizations. The Section also allows contributions of independent
specialists a
nd consultants in marketing, public communication or related fields,
as the very field of organizational communication is difficult to
observe unless part of the organizational systems.
Philosophy of Communication
The Philosophy of Communication Section in particular sets out to
consolidate a European forum for the philosophy of communication.
Guided by the ideal of a free, rational, diverse, engaged and
socially just Europe, the Section is explicitly oriented to reflect
the cultural variety and the variety of traditions in the history of
thought, scholarship and science. The philosophy of communication
encompasses a variety of concerns including reflective, theoretical,
analytical, normative and historical questions relating to
communication as a phenomenon, a dialectical process, a social
reality, a form of expression, a theoretical construct or last but
not at least a paradox. What distinguishes Philosophy of
Communication from other approaches is the foundational dimension
embodied by the Section. The Philosophy of Communication section
welcomes contributions that deal with questions regarding theory
formation and methodology in communication scholarship, and with
fundamental quest
ions regarding the place of communication in human existence.
Political Communication
The Political Communication Section of ECREA invites contributions
dealing with: critical approaches on press and media coverage of
public affairs in a democratically adequate way both empirically
and / or theoretically grounded; new media emerging as political
communication vectors, i.e. community and citizens media or as
challenging forces of the political status quo; issues on political
communication as a contestable social capital and as symbolic means
in the service of diverse community and social forces; agenda-
settting issues between the political and the media system, but also,
inter- and intra-media agenda-setting and control practices; and
analyses on specific topical aspects of the 'European Political
Communication Deficit' or, conversely, on best practices of coverage
of Europolitics across the Union, either as case or as comparative
Radio Research
The Radio Studies Section invites abstracts to be presented from
across as wide a range of interests as possible. We do not wish to
limit the focus and scope of members' research in the medium and the
panels will be organized thematically once the abstracts have been
received. However, based on the discussion at the recent meeting of
the section in Lincoln in July 2007, panels in at least the following
areas are anticipated: Audience studies; community radio; content
(programming and genre); digitisation; new or revised research
Science and Environment Communication
The 21st century faces unprecedented challenges in the environment
and science fields. The Science and Environment Communication section
seeks to foster a strong and dynamic research network and welcomes
work that crosses a range of disciplinary and methodological
boundaries. Examples of topic areas include - but are far from
restricted to: media representations of science and the environment;
political and commercial discourse on the environment; communication,
democracy and scientific governance; public engagement with science
and the environment; the dialogic, interactive communication of
research-based knowledge.
Prof. dr. Leo Van Audenhove
Studies on Media, Information and Telecommunication (SMIT)
Interdisciplinary institute for BroadBand Technology(IBBT)
Vakgroep Communicatiewetenschap
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel, Belgium
Tel ++32/2/629 24 15
Mobile ++32/479/75 32 36
Fax ++32/2/629 28 61
e-Mail Leo.Van.Audenhove at vub.ac.be
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