[FoME] Anmeldung: Arab Media Centre Conference, London, 20. Juni
Katharina Noetzold
knotzold at web.de
Mo Apr 14 00:19:13 CEST 2008
Liebe Mitglieder der FoMe-Liste,
vor einiger Zeit hatte ich schon einmal Werbung für die vom Arab Media Centre organisierten Konferenz "Journalism Testing Legal Boundaries: Media Laws and the Reporting of Arab News" gemacht, um sich den 20. Juni vormerken zu können. Nun hat die Anmeldung dafür begonnen (siehe untenstehende Mail und Formular im Anhang). Bitte leiten Sie diese Mail auch an potentielle Interessenten weiter, die nicht auf dieser Liste stehen. Wir hoffen auf zahlreiche Teilnahme und lebhafte Diskussionen.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen aus London,
Katharina Nötzold
Arab Media Centre
University of Westminster
Dear Colleagues
Thank you for your interest in attending the Conference 'Journalism Testing Legal Boundaries: Media Laws and the Reporting of Arab News' on June 20, 2008 in London.
Registration is now available. Please send a copy of the attached form to amc-office at westminster.ac.uk in order to secure a place and register. You will be contacted shortly by the University who will take a credit card payment from you over the phone. Therefore it is essential that you provide us with your phone details.
As we do not book accommodation for guests, we would recommend you use the following website http://www.londontown.com/hotels which contains an extensive list of accommodation in the centre of London.
Please let us know if you need further advise on registration or accommodation. The registration form can also be downloaded online from www.wmin.ac.uk/arabmedia.
With best regards,
Conference co-organiser
Dr. Katharina Nötzold
k.noetzold at wmin.ac.uk
Arab Media Centre
Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI)
University of Westminster
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