[FoME] Stellenausschreibung DR Congo TV Executive Producer

Christoph Dietz christoph.dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Fr Apr 4 12:12:36 CEST 2008

francis rolt <francisrolt at googlemail.com> wrote: Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 12:40:51 +0100

This would be a very exciting project for anyone who wanted a challenge and the chance to make a difference... Please pass it on to anyone you know who might be interested.
Best wishes
Francis Rolt

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lena SFCG <lenas at sfcg.org>
Date: 26 Mar 2008 19:34
 Subject: SFCG DRC searching for TV Exec Producer: Changemakers

I'm writing to you with a request for your advice and support with the launching of a new innovative TV initiative for the DRC, called CHANGEMAKERS. It's a new TV program that we're planning to launch, aimed at showing how youth can make positive use of democracy to change their lives and their communities for the better. 
The program is going to be launched as a spot campaign, giving way to a competition, the contestants from which will them be the main characters in a reality program. 
I'm writing to you with ONE REQUEST : Assist us to find an Executive Producer for this project who is ready to come to Kinshasa (soon!) and spearhead this project for a few months. 
Of course, we're looking for experience, but also courage. Professionalism but also innovation. This hasn't been done before in this part of the world, and we need someone who's ready for a challenge, and perhaps the most satisfying TV experience ever.
Attached is a brief concept note about the program, its aims, a calendar, and the profile of the person we're looking for. Speaking French is certainly an advantage, but it's NOT the only criteria at this point in time. We believe that the right person will be able to see this project off the ground with the right vision and enough determination.
Please share this with all those who may be 'right' for this challenge. Don't hesitate to get back to me with questions, concerns, etc. I'm here, and this is an urgent priority for us to move on this.
Please copy my colleague Wimye Anselme on your reply (copied here).
Thanks in advance for your help and support,

Lena Slachmuijlder
Directrice, Centre Lokole
Search for Common Ground en RDC
lenas at sfcg.org; www.sfcg.org 
 +243 812411375
skype: lenadrc
Francis Rolt
Consultant, Media and Peacebuilding 
Phone:  +44 203 083 0330 (office)
Mob. :  +44 791 937 8106
Email:  francisrolt at gmail.com 
Skype:  roltbacino

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